Today is not just a Friday. Nor is it just the first Friday I've worked in August (booo!).
Today is the last instalment of my blog serial, The Twilight Zone.
Will Emily find Katy and Maggie in time?
Find out here.
Click here for previous instalments.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Writing a blog serial and lessons learnt
It seems like a long time ago that I started my blog
serial, The Twilight Zone. My wedding anniversary was fast
approaching when inspiration hit. We married at Bristol Zoo
during its 175th year which meant that a lot of the zoo’s history
was being publicised. Why not honour
Unfortunately it was only a week to our anniversary date
so the writing of this blog serial didn’t go exactly to plan...
I have learnt a lot from writing this serial. It has been an interesting experience and one
that I hope to repeat, although perhaps a little differently next time...
Due to the tight time constraints, I didn’t do a lot of
research as such on blog serials. I
googled it, found one that looked a lot like how I thought mine would look
anyway and that was it.
I spent more time trying to work out how to make the
story available for download from the blog, see below for this.
The majority of the research, perhaps as it should be,
was spent on Bristol Zoo itself. There is a lot of information on their website. The book, ‘An illustrated history of Bristol
Zoo Gardens’, was the most helpful piece of research however. A beautiful book full of stunning photos from
across the decades and all of the maps, showing the layout of the zoo . The maps were the most helpful part, and
allowed me to choose a decade and orientate myself.
A trip to the zoo to celebrate our wedding anniversary
also proved endlessly helpful, although I’m sure I looked a little mad trying
to write notes in the darkness of the nocturnal house.
A lot of what is in The Twilight Zone is fictional and
the research already carried out by the zoo, along with a few internet
searches, made it easy to figure out where I need to add in my own ideas and
which parts I needed to change. I can’t
find any evidence of there ever being a bat-eared fox at Bristol Zoo, I have
also never been backstage at the nocturnal house so had to base these scenes on
backstage zoo programmes on television.
I wanted something different for this story. No werewolves or vampires or ghosts or
zombies. It took me a while to find the
kitsune but once I did, I got very excited.
I held my breath as I searched for nocturnal foxes but thankfully didn’t
have to wait long for the bat-eared fox to pop up. I did quite a bit of research on the kitsune,
there are so many different mythologies around this creature, so many stories
and variations. I read as many as I
could before choosing a variation that best suited the story.
In the future, I would prefer to do more research before
starting to write. Writing The Twilight
Zone was stressful, purely because I was looking things up as I went and I left
myself very open to getting silly things wrong.
Erm, yes, well...there was none really. Other than what I’ve already mentioned.
For my next blog serial I will write the whole thing
before I post any instalments. That had
been the plan for this one but, as I say, time got away from me.
For The Twilight Zone, I wrote each instalment the week
it would be posted which means that the end product will need heavy editing.
On the other hand, this meant that during a time when I
am editing one novel and contemplating the editing of another novel, I was
still writing at least 1000 words a week.
Definitely not a bad thing.
Right, it took me a while to figure this out. To make documents available to download on
your Blogger blog, follow these instructions;
1. Log
in/sign up with Google Groups - If you have a Blogger account for your blog,
you should be able to just sign in with the same details.
2. Click
on New Group.
3. Create
a New Group. I kept mine restricted to
E-mail List but left everything else open so that it can be discovered but I
mainly wanted people to find the documents through my blog.
4. Click
Create Group and your group now exists!
5. Go
into your group and click New Topic in the top left.
6. Enter
a subject and attached the document as a PDF (or whatever file you want to make
7. Click
post! This will be e-mailed to you, it’s
annoying but I haven’t spent much time figuring this out yet.
8. Now
go into the posted message and right click over ‘Download’.
9. Select
‘Copy Link Location’.
10. Then
write your blog post/page and insert the link you just copied into hyperlink
11. Ta
My Friday blog serial posts are the least read posts of
my blog. There. I admitted it. I don’t have figures for how many people have
visited the page but the post figures are quite depressing.
I wanted to get some of my writing onto this blog. Which isn’t such a stupid
idea. I have a pile of short stories but
they were all involved in competitions and couldn’t be posted elsewhere, which
is why I thought this would be an interesting venture.
The feedback I have received from friends and family has
been very positive.
I have tried to push it out towards non-friends and
family and the only response I seem to have had is basically ‘I’ll read it if
you finish it.’ To be honest I found
this a little insulting, although I didn’t rise to it. So while many don't seem to be interested at
the moment, I wonder how many will read it once it is complete?
For future blog serials I hope to be a little more
established and so will have a steady marketing strategy in place.
Writing this blog serial has been a very interesting
experience and I feel that I’ve learnt a lot.
The Twilight Zone will be edited and brought together into one document for free download.
Originally I considered this serial to be a part way
novelette, between the first and second Emily May books. However, since writing I have started
rethinking the existing first Emily May book
(The-Book-Previously-Known-As-Silver) and have been recently thinking about
incorporating The Twilight Zone, in some format, actually into one of the
For my next blog serial, I vow to prepare, research and
write and edit the whole thing before I start posting. I already have an idea and it will hopefully
make an appearance in the summer of 2013.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading The Twilight Zone. Check out the final instalment tomorrow.
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
That thing that holds us back
little while back, actually not that long ago but time goes very slowly at
times like these, I wrote a post proclaiming that I was going to move all of my ambition into my writing.
is a difficult place at the moment. Not
only am I filled with the constant urge to go home, that I shouldn’t be here (which
I am assured everyone feels to some extent), but yesterday one person left for
a year’s maternity leave and in two weeks another leaves for a better job. That along with one person being on long term
sick leave and the feet become itchy.
I sit watching my team leave, move on, have babies and get doctors notes, I stare at a piece of work that is easy to do so why can’t I just get on and
do it and I find myself doing any one of three things;
plotting escape routes (this is only on truly bad days and does include
tunnelling out of the building)
wondering if I am just destined to sit here, day in, day out, staring at work
that I don’t see the point of or am I capable of more?
planning my route to working part time at the day job to pay the bills and
spending the rest of my time writing.
Writing novels, short stories, articles, anything. Just writing.
have to ignore thought process 1. It’s
pointless, especially considering I could just walk out the door, there’s no
need to go looking for a shovel.
I have trouble with 2 and 3 because of one thing; fear.
do I doubt that I am capable of being more than an administrator? Why do I doubt that I might be different,
that there is a better working life out there for me (the number of mind
numbingly boring office jobs I’ve had should be evidence enough)? Why am I not a published writer yet?
if I don’t make it? What if I fail? What if I am destined to be a full time
administrator for the rest of my life?
all ridiculous, of course, and I tell myself this on a daily basis. I can do anything I want, I can be anything I
want to be. Want to be a writer? Then write!
Want to be published? Then put
your work out there and persist! Take
risks, take opportunities and the world is your oyster.
was pushed home even further this morning by this blog post, 'Indie author advises to "Just Do It"', with the
advice, ‘just do it’.
course it’s not as simple as that.
There’s the question of time – you make time - and money, if you want to go down the self
publishing route – start saving! These
are just excuses. I’ve already drawn up
a writing schedule which so far I’m sticking to and as soon as I have enough
patience to go banking I will open a savings account for my first novel.
used to use the excuse ‘I’ll do it when I’m grown up’, well now is that
time. Seize the day! Grab your dreams! Be brave!
the theme music!
Sunday, 26 August 2012
A constructive weekend

On this glorious long weekend, I have done many things. I have weeded everything outside (driveway and the stupid crazy block paving, all flowerbeds and even parts of the lawn), I have visited the garden centre and got mucky planting things, I have tidied the house and caught up with my gorgeous friend Gem, I have visited the in-laws, caught escaped guinea pigs and had a day trip into town...
Yesterday me and the hubby went into Bristol. It poured down in the morning so it was eerily quiet as we emerged from the car park. We walked along the harbour, through the wonderful market of crafts and yummy smelling food, through Broadmead and into Cabot Circus. We stopped for lunch and made our way back to the car via the new See No Evil graffiti and that market.

During lunch we watched families with young children queue to get into a temporary Krusha milkshake bar in the centre of Cabot Circus where women with bright pink glasses served them milkshakes and sugar at a price.
On the way home, we walked through the new See No Evil exhibition - art by graffiti artists on some of Bristol's old buildings. Find out more here - All of the photos in this post are from the exhibition.
Some of the work is astounding. I can't believe that some people are so talented, or how some of them managed it. Those building are high. It's a little scary for the pedestrians as well, you have to make sure you stay on the pavements and don't wander into the road while staring up, gawping.
On the way back to the car we stopped at the harbour market and bought some of the most delicious brownies ever, in the world! I just finished eating the second and I can't stop thinking about it...
What is the point of this post? This three day weekend (four day for me, actually) was meant to be all about the writing. This was the three day weekend to be dedicated to editing my novel. Have I touched my novel? Of course not!
Never mind, at least I still have Monday...
Hope you're all having constructive and exciting long weekends.
Friday, 24 August 2012
The Twilight Zone

It's time for Bane and Emily to finish this as they head back to the zoo with Ray and Craig to find the kitsune and bring back their loved ones.
Click here for the latest instalment.
Click here for previous instalments.
Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend everyone!
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Real horror in reality and fiction
lunch today I clicked onto the BBC website and read this: Tony Nicklinson has died.
was shocked at first, it was only last week that he lost his right for someone
to help him die without being prosecuted.
Then I was just sad. I’m glad
that he is finally at peace but his situation and its heart breaking ending is
utterly, completely awful.
BBC led onto numerous other stories about people who suffer from locked-in
syndrome and I found myself reading all of them.
stories are not all horrendous but locked-in syndrome is frequently referred to
as ‘nightmare-ish’. That's it, I
thought, it is like a nightmare come true.
The very idea of being locked inside your body is terrifying beyond
belief, especially before it is diagnosed.
The idea that someone can be lying there, thought to be in a coma but
fully conscious makes my skin crawl. Yet
people cope with it and live with it and some go on to have happy lives. It shows just how capable and remarkable the
human mind is.
was reminded of the House episode about the man who becomes locked-in. From the beginning of the episode to near the
end we see everything from his point of view.
We see through his eyes and we hear his thoughts and it gives a very
poignant taste of what locked-in syndrome could be like. The loneliness and helplessness. It is only at the end of the episode that the
viewers go back to the normal point of view and get to see the man in the way
the doctors see him. It is a shock. Suddenly he goes from being a functional
human being to a body with just a spark of life in the eyes.
is human nature to dwell on the nightmare situation – it’s why we’re drawn to
horrible stories, why we’re more inclined to listen to news items about torture
and rape and death. It is what we fear.
I’ve always felt that the more I learn about something, the more prepared I
am. I have always been of the opinion
that it could happen to me. I hope
against hope that it won’t, but I don’t for one second consider myself
exempt. It is why I have hypochondriac tendencies.
also have a fascination with the human condition and am a sucker for
documentaries about people with rare conditions, what those conditions are and
how they live with them. I like
understanding the variety of life, the uniqueness of nature and the mysterious
working of the mind.
a while you just have to tell yourself enough.
Turn off the news when they talk about war and incest and imprisonment. Avoid documentaries, Panorama and
One Born Every Minute (it’s not bad but it ain’t pretty!). Yet we still read novels about it, and these
topics turn up in all genres. We still
watch dramas on television, the topics still haunt our DVD collections.
it is easier to surround ourselves with horrid truths told through fiction, it suggests
that it isn’t real.
need these horrific tales. Within them
lie stories, people and tales waiting to be told. On the Fantasy Faction forum there is
currently a thread about the most difficult scene to read in a book. There are some good examples and it is
something people can get passionate about.
Those scenes are also the ones that stick in readers heads and define
characters. A horrific scene can be the
turning point for a protagonist, or the moment when readers warm to the
antagonist. They can make people human
and connect with readers in a way that other scenes just can’t hope to reach.
makes these scenes worse is to know that fiction derives from fact. Everything that we know now must have
happened for us to conceive it. So
despite attempting to rationalise the human fascination with real nightmares, I
am no closer to justifying it. It is a
mystery of our existence.
heart goes out to Tony Nicklinson’s family and I am glad that he has found his
peace, despite it not being the way he wanted.
just to prove that locked-in syndrome is not always the nightmare we perceive,
that the human mind is capable of great things, check out this video which was on the news this morning, before news broke that Tony Nicklinson had died.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
The evolution of the Disney princess
on from my previous post about Brave, I thought I would explore the Disney
princess a little further.
A whole thesis could be written on the evolution of the Disney princess, so this is just a brief overview.
Disney Princess is a franchise of Disney, starting with Snow White (1937), through to Cinderella
(1950), Aurora (1959), Ariel (1989), Belle (1991), Jasmine (1992), Pocahontas
(1995), Mulan (1998), Tiana (2009) and Rapunzel (2010) and, of course, Merida
I will admit that I’m a bit at a loss with Tiana and
Rapunzel but I remember the gist of Pocahontas and Mulan. However, I grew up on Snow White, Cinderelly, Aurora, Ariel, Belle and
Given that the first Disney princess appeared in 1937,
you would expect a certain amount of evolution from Disney’s female role
models. Most noteably the trend has changed
from princesses who are kind, hard working and work at cleaning houses to princesses who are
kind, hard working and stubborn as hell. The princesses have evolved to stick up for themselves, to
question what is happening, to rely on themselves and not just wait for a prince to come and save them.
All of the princesses are teenagers which means that they
appeal to little girls as aspirational but also allows for a love story,
leading to a happy ever after marriage.
Putting it that way, it feels that it couldn’t be further from reality
but think about the girls you went to school with, or maybe the story rings
true to you. People do fall in love as
teenagers and marry and it is fair to say that most of these princesses do not
marry during the films, in fact some (Jasmine) do not even get married during the first sequel.
Before I start at the beginning, I need to tell you where
I am coming from. I watched Disney
princess films as a child and I enjoyed them (I have warm memories of Aurora's dress turning from pink to blue to a blue-pink mess).
I wanted their long, flowing hair and their pretty eyes and smiles. But then I also wanted the prince’s horse,
and the stepmother’s magic. When I was
young, one of my favourite books was the Tractor Princess – about a princess
who didn’t like dresses or frills, she liked tractors. I loved her.
So, first there were Snow White and Cinderella, one a
princess born and one not. Both spent a
lot of the film cleaning, both were kind and sweet and hard working, which are
excellent values to pass onto small girls.
Then came Aurora, the Sleeping Beauty.
I remember Maleficent (a new film about Maleficent is coming in 2014)
and I remember the fairies and the prince, galloping to Aurora’s
rescue but it was only when refreshing my memory for this post that I realised Aurora is blonde! That’s how much you see of her during the
film. To be honest, I think she has the
right idea – sleep through it all – but it means that not much is learnt about this
particular princess other than she probably doesn’t snore.
Then came Ariel, the beautiful, teenage mermaid with red
hair who wanted to live on the land. From a very young age I have put a lot into
the fact that Ariel is a redhead. I have
just found out that her creators originally wanted her to be blonde, her hair
was only red because the colour went well with her tail and was easier for
animators to use when she moved from beneath the water to the land. That means that so far, all of the princesses
should have been blonde (excluding Snow White, who has to have black hair
otherwise she isn’t Snow White). How
Anyway, Ariel was the first princess to show any teenage
characteristics, that is, she’s stubborn.
She’s rebellious and adventurous and thinks she knows best, mixed
together with a lot of naivety and boom!
A princess that teenagers can relate to!
Finally, a brunette princess enters the stage. Unfortunately Belle is boring and bland,
especially after the rebellious redheaded Ariel. Belle’s creators wanted to keep her as close
to possible as the original character, that is kind, generous, sympathetic and
soft spoken. In other words, boring. Maybe it doesn’t matter, Beauty and the Beast
has a much more potent message about beauty, proven by the fact that most
children (myself included) wish the Beast never did change back into the
Belle may have been boring, but then came Jasmine. She joins Ariel in a step in the right
direction. Jasmine has been described as self-assured, likeable, cynical and
the ‘most full bodied of the Disney Princesses’. I’m taking this to mean that her character, rather
than her chest, was fully developed. I
did like Jasmine as a child, she stuck up for herself, and I also found her
whiny and door-slamming which are two key features of a teenager. What annoyed me about Jasmine is that she
fell in love. She said she wouldn’t, but
she did. Although she gets points for
falling in love with a thief rather than a prince. Oh, and for having a pet tiger.
So, Pocahontas.
The first American princess and what a princess! I feel Disney cheated a little here by basing
her on a historical figure but Pocahontas is ‘noble, free-spirited and highly
spiritual’. She is wise and kind and
loves adventure. She is something all
girls should aspire to be, without a mop in sight. She retains her identity throughout the
sequel too, which is also very important for a girl, especially a teenager, to
understand. What makes Pocahontas really
stand out is that she has two love interests.
There is no happily ever after for this princess, not in the traditional
sense. She is perhaps the most evolved of all of
the stories and characters.
The same can be said for Mulan, the girl who dresses as a
boy to save her father from going to war.
Now, it’s been a long time since I saw Mulan, but is she a princess in
the traditional way? If not, then hats
off to Disney. Here is a beautiful,
teenage girl who is ‘unmarryable’, who trains as a warrior and fights bravely
for the loyalty and love of her family.
She does fall in love, but I think she’s deserved that piece of
happiness. And, have I got this
wrong? But does she fall in love with
someone quite a bit older than her?
Just how old are these Disney princes, anyway? I know Aurora’s
prince is roughly the same age but what about the others?
Mulan, comes Tiana. The second ever
American Disney princess and the first African-American princess. It’s a shame
she spends most of the film as a frog.
An aspiring restaurant owner, Tiana meets, falls in love and marries a
prince. So she is similar to Cinderella
in that she is not a princess born, but look!
She doesn’t spend her life cleaning.
Ok, so she’s a waitress but she’s a waitress with dreams and those
dreams don’t involve a prince charming.
She sends some very important messages to young girls – dream for
yourself, love is the most important thing (family, not that of a man) and that
you don’t have to be blonde to be a princess.
Tiana is followed by another blonde princess – Rapunzel. Thankfully Rapunzel is the next evolved step
from Tiana – she is well read, artistic, spirited, smart, kind and
playful. She questions her life and her
imprisonment in the tower and she refuses to return once she has escaped. Rapunzel is strong willed and
stubborn. She even ‘does a Jasmine’ and falls in love
with a thief. I’m not sure how many
mothers would approve, but perhaps this follows the line that girls just
aren’t interested in finding their boring, bland prince charmings anymore.
finish off with the 2012 Disney princess – Merida. Redheaded, because she is Scottish, but
just as curious and stubborn as Ariel.
Kind and hard working, because all Disney princesses are kind and hard working. Naïve because she’s a teenager. She follows Rapunzel in being clever and
spirited and playful but she is also the first ever Disney princess
tomboy. Not only that, but Brave is the
first ever Disney princess film to not
have a love interest. This is a
story about family, like Mulan, about tradition and heritage, like Pocahontas,
and about the mother and daughter relationship, which is entirely unique among
the Disney princess franchise. The
mother -daughter relationship is also particularly fascinating when you consider
that most mothers are not present in the other films. They may be there, somewhere, but they are
never the focus. Or they are replaced
by the evil stepmother and the representation of the matriarch is the
antagonist. Bearing this in mind, it is astounding
that Disney have managed to produce so many well rounded princesses.
there you have it, the evolution of the Disney princess, from the beautiful
animation of Snow White to the beautiful characterisation of Brave. I will introduce my future daughter to all of
the princesses, if she so wishes, but it is the likes of Pocahontas, Tiana and Merida that I hope she
truly learns from. The love from a
boy/man is not as important as love for yourself and your family, some frogs
can turn out to be princes and anyone, I repeat, anyone can be a princess.
Sunday, 19 August 2012
A Brave princess film
It’s been a long time since I saw a kids film at the
cinema, in a screen full of small children.
I expected noise, I expected to be frustrated and annoyed, I expected to
not be able to follow the film. In
truth, every child was glued to the screen, taking in every moment. That in itself, proves that Brave is a
fantastic film.
Brave is the latest creation of Pixar – the genius
animation company that is so good that Disney had to buy it out. That being said, Brave should not be compared
to such Pixar greats as Wall-E or Toy Story.
Brave is latest edition of the Disney princess franchise; a new,
improved and evolved Disney princess film.
Gone are the days of the princess who ran into the forest
to clean a house belonging to seven dwarves until her prince rescued her, or
the girl who cleaned her stepmother’s house until she met her prince, or the
princess who slept through it all (good old Aurora). Society has changed and girls now want something more than just cleaning and waiting for their Prince Charming.
Remember Ariel? No, not the washing gel. The red headed mermaid princess who wanted to
grow legs and change her fate to find her prince? Ariel was the first stubborn
Disney princess. Funny how both she and Merida
are red headed...
Merida is the Scottish princess who is a tomboy at heart. She discovers that three clan
leader sons will be vying for her hand in marriage. Merida isn’t ready for marriage and, unlike
Jasmine, she doesn’t give in and fall in love with her suitor anyway. She rebels, she throws a tantrum and she runs
away, like every good teenager does when faced with a problem like this. The next part completely threw me.
I think I expected Merida to want to change her
fate as a princess, to discover herself, perhaps by following more male pursuits. Instead, this is a story about the
relationship between Merida and her mother.
It wasn’t what I expected but it was a very pleasant surprise. Brave is the story of a teenage daughter
connecting with her mother; a stormy, scary and ultimately, hopefully, fulfilling relationship. As a
daughter who was once a teenager, I completely understood this film. Merida and her actions made complete sense to
me and, as an adult woman, so did her mothers.
I wonder if men would feel the same way?
The children in the screen certainly enjoyed it although we wondered afterwards just how scary children would find this film. I vividly remember being scared of certain
films when I was small, Pinocchio and
Dumbo mainly – the bullying and vulnerabilities and loss of parental love were
too much for me when I was young. At one
point during Brave, a girl near the front screamed.
The girls around us ended the film curled up on their dad’s laps. As I walked back out into the sunshine,
watching these happy children, I wondered how many had been affected by the
fear of losing one’s mother.
Whether you are a child or adult, male or female, Brave
is hilarious in places and full of tension and pace in others. It is a fast moving, short film and it is a
wonder to behold. There are some great
talents in this film including Emma Thompson, Julie Walters, Billy Connelly and
Robbie Coltrane. The Scottish scenery is
well designed and the music inspiring (I am slightly biased as I am completely in love with Scotland).
Merida’s hair is also incredible and reminded me of the intricate animation involved in Sulley’s (Monsters
Inc) fur. Another thing that sets Pixar
far, far apart from Disney are the horses.
I don’t know why Disney can’t draw horses but Pixar sure can. Not only does Angus, Merida’s horse, actually
look like a real horse but he makes the right noises. Bravo Pixar.
Brave is a film with a strong message of family, tradition and individuality. Some might be annoyed by Merida’s teenage tantrums. I admit I cringed when she screamed ‘it’s not
fair.’ But these are the actions of a
teenager and I dare anyone to find someone who didn’t say ‘it’s not fair’ at
least once as a teenager. Some may have
expected more from Brave, especially from the title. I do think Brave may be the wrong title and was possibly used a marketing ploy to tie it into Braveheart?
On the other hand, this film isn’t about being brave enough to
go out there and change your life. This
film is about being brave enough to listen to those you love, to accept who you
are and the world you live in and still be brave enough to keep your individuality
and if you can do that, maybe, just maybe, your fate will be changed.
I urge everyone to share this film with their children and show your
daughters that there is more to life than waiting for their prince to come!
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