They are two very different films. Batman Begins is a complex story about
substance, it tells of the development of Batman’s character, something I had
never experienced before and that is what made it a good film. The Dark Knight, on the other hand, was a
film of action, showcasing fiction’s best villain in a new and beautiful glory
the likes of which we’re likely to never see again.
The Dark Knight Rises is the last film in the Dark Knight
Trilogy. It is set eight years after The
Dark Knight, although I strongly recommend watching Batman Begins before seeing
it. The Dent Act has been passed,
locking up all of those involved in organised crime and therefore keeping
Gotham a safe place. Batman is gone,
taking the blame for Harvey Dent’s actions and death, and Bruce Wayne hides in
his mansion never to be seen as Wayne Enterprises collapses into ruin in his
absence. Then, a man with connections to
the League of Shadows comes to Gotham, that man is Bane (Tom Hardy) and he is
there to destroy the city and rid the world of Gotham’s evil.
The film starts slow despite meeting Bane early on. Bane promised to be an interesting foe for
Batman. While The Joker was wildly
intelligent and charismatic, he was smaller and weaker than Batman. Bane, on the other hand, is physically
stronger than Batman but still wildly intelligent. How can Batman ever hope to defeat him?
We also meet the beautiful Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway) early
on. Hathaway plays the strong, flexible
cat burglar who becomes entwined in Bruce Wayne/Batman and Bane’s battle with
great, subtle poise.
The action sequences are unfortunately few and far
between but they’re good. Not The Dark Knight
good, but good. There is perhaps one
great chase scene and the fantastically done football stadium scene. The choreography, however, is poor. You often see someone fly backwards without
knowing how Selina/Batman/Bane hit them which feels a bit of a cop out and
makes the scene disjointed.
Actually, the whole film has a disjointed feeling, which may be because it is just so busy. I was constantly asking why? Why is this happening? Why do people want Batman back when there is
no organised crime left to fight? Why is
Bane doing this? Who the hell is that
bloke in the bag at the beginning? You
may think this may be a communication problem what with the concern over
understanding Bane. I actually didn’t
find this a problem. I understood nine
of out ten of his sentences perfectly. I
still didn’t really understand the plot, not until the end.
Speaking of Bane’s communication issues, what I did have
a problem with was the music. The volume
of the background music was far too loud which meant that during the action
sequences I couldn’t hear a word people were saying. I was leaning forward, straining to hear them
over the din and possibly lost a few plot points because of this.
I was disappointed by the ending (there is greater detail
on this with spoilers via the link below).
I feel that a lot of Bane’s potential was lost. There also wasn’t enough of him, or of Selina
Kyle for that matter. I wanted more of
this beautiful cat burglar, more of the powerful Bane and, yes, more of the
Batman. Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway
and Tom Hardy were all excellent, so why couldn’t we have had more of them?
I didn’t feel I learnt enough about Bane. I spent the entire film waiting to find out
how he got his mask, who he really is, what’s his motivation. Despite learning bits and pieces I was left
completely unsatisfied.
I feel sad that Bane’s potential wasn’t realised but my
main issues are with Miranda, Wayne’s poorly written love interest. Sadly I can’t explain this without some major
spoilers, so to find out more click on the link below.
There wasn’t enough of the three main characters, so who
was on the screen? A rookie cop, Blake
(Joseph Gordon-Levitt), that’s who. A
young man with unfaltering faith in justice and Batman. I will say no more. I found this character so predictable that I
feel just writing a few words will let you in on all the secrets. However this film was less of a Batman film
at times and more of a Blake film.
The very end is also predictable but very satisfying
(other than Bane). The film is fairly empowering, it made me smile, shed a small tear courtesy of
Michael Caine’s Alfred and even a little chuckle in places but I wasn’t left
grinning and buzzing with the dark inspiration that filled me after The Dark
However all of the actors are excellent and cannot be
faltered. The film is visually
breathtaking with the same gritty, dark realism that made Batman Begins and The
Dark Knight so compellingly wonderful.
The Dark Knight Rises is not a follow up to The Dark
Knight, it is a sequel to Batman Begins.
Other than the references to Harvey Dent, and there are flashbacks for
those who can’t remember, you do not have to have seen The Dark Knight to
understand or enjoy this film.
If you preferred Batman Begins then I think you will
enjoy this film. The Dark Knight Rises
is another film of substance; it develops Batman’s character further, pushing
him to very edge. I enjoyed it but was
left frustrated. It’s a good film, it
just wasn’t the film that I was expecting. I will still be adding it to my collection however.
Warning: This is a
long film. You may have to remember all
of your Lord of the Rings bladder training.
For a little bit more, including ***spoilers***, scroll down!
The Dark Knight Rises is a good film but it could have
been so much better. The film needs more
of Bane, Batman and Selina. I’m a very
character focused person, give me good action sequences and well developed
characters and I’m happy. My main gripes
with this film involve three of the characters; Bane, Miranda and Blake.
Throughout the film we learnt very little about Bane but
we do learn that he is intelligent, and sounds a little like Darth Vader. I found him fascinating and was desperate to
learn his back story and see more of him.
This was not to be. In fact, by
the end all of his intelligence and strength were ripped from him in one swift
moment and his death (if he does die?) is short and quick. How can Batman defeat this huge, strong and
intelligent man? Shockingly easily
apparently, when it suits him. It felt
like by the end the writers decided he wasn’t to be the main villain and he
just wasn’t worth bothering with. What a
missed opportunity.
Why did Bane no longer matter? Because of Miranda. A woman that’s there from the beginning of
the film talking about investment in Wayne Enterprises, who then suddenly and
magically sleeps with Bruce Wayne (for a man who hasn’t left the house in eight
years he gets some action shockingly quickly, without even doing much talking!)
and then turns out to be the mastermind villain of the whole thing (I knew
there was something off about her). She
is the reason the plot didn’t make any sense throughout the main bulk of the
film. She is the reason that Bane is
swept aside. She proclaims his love for
her (you read right) and he sheds a tear.
A tear! While it is always
wonderful to see a villain’s soft side, it was so poorly done it was like
watching a completely different character.
Almost like a new writer walked in as they were working on that part of
the script and took over without reading the beginning of the film.
Yes, that’s right, I don’t like it when women go gooey
over their men and I don’t like it when men go gooey over their women. To add insult to injury, her death scene was
so awful I nearly burst out laughing.

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