So here we are. The last day of 2012.
It should be the end of a great year - the year of the London Olympics, Paralympics and Queen's Jubilee. It was a great year to the British.
In reality 2012 was a mixed bag. I suffered anxiety attacks throughout the summer and don't get me started on October. A whole month of illness, anxiety, job interviews and loss. One of the worst months of my life.
On the up side, the world didn't end. Twice.
The year also had some utterly astounding moments. We visited London Zoo where one of my old university friends is now lucky enough to work and she kindly gave us a behind the scenes tour of the reptile house which I will never forget. Utterly amazing.
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Yes, that is MY hand stroking a giant tortoise! |
This is the year that I went to Scotland twice. Yes, I am very proud of that! We spent our first wedding anniversary in the glorious Inverness enjoying the sights of the Highlands and then my birthday in the beautiful Edinburgh.
Television and the cinema of 2012 has been fairly good. Ok, so The Dark Knight Rises didn't quite live up to expectation but The Avengers was amazing, as was Looper, The Woman in Black, Brave and Ted and don't get me started on The Hobbit (no really, don't).
2012 also saw the first half of the third season of The Walking Dead with the fascinating Governor, the amusing Red Dwarf X, the second series of Game of Thrones and we lost the beautiful Annie in Being Human.
Rather than set myself resolutions in 2012, I gave myself goals;
- Publish The-Novel-Formerly-Known-As-Silver – yes…well… I sent it off to two small publishers and got one rejection and one request for the full manuscript followed by a rejection. I’ve since decided to rewrite the novel which will also be renamed, which I’m starting today!
- Write the sequel to Silver – This is linked to the above so this hasn’t happened either.
- Write Matter of Time – Done! Hurray!
- Enter as many short story competitions as possible – While I did try and do this I was not successful in being placed at all. I did write a few stories that I’m proud of though. Early days…
- Start writing articles/freelancing – I’ve thought about it a lot, does that count?
- Get fit – HAHAHA!
- Eat healthy – I tried and was doing quite well until November.
- Start writing a blog – Erm, hello! And yes, today my blog is one year old! I even managed to write a blog serial!
Next year holds a lot of promise. Wednesday is my first official day in my new job with my shiny new salary which is exciting in itself.
2013 has started with a bang with a new series of Miranda. The Walking Dead season 3 will return in February and we will be able to find out what will happen to our beloved Daryl and Merle Dixon.
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Merle and Daryl Dixon |
The big screen holds a lot of promise for 2013; Iron Man 3, Despicable Me 2, Kick Ass 2, Star Trek Into Darkness, Die Hard 5 and Monster University. Hmm...they seem to all be sequels! One stand alone coming next year is the belated World War Z, but having seen the trailer I'm no longer looking forward to this film.
The main film I'm looking forward to in 2013? The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug of course!
I am starting 2013 with the biggest pile of books to read that I've ever had including the titles The Hobbit, The Woman In Black by Susan Hill, A Madness of Angels by Kate Griffin, The Greatcoat by Helen Dunmore, Dark Eden by Chris Beckett, The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, 11.22.63 by Stephen King, Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch, a number of titles by Suzy McKee Charnas and Ursula le Guin stolen from my mum and I will also be buying Red Country by Joe Abercrombie which is out now.
So, my goals for 2013...
- Enter as many short story competitions as possible.
- Get published - somehow, somewhere!
- Finish and submit Matter of Time - I finished the third draft just yesterday!
- Rewrite and finish The-Novel-Formerly-Known-As-Silver
- Write the first draft of a new project
- Continue with my blog and write another blog serial
- Read more female writers - as you can see from my above list, I'm on my way!
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My most favourite Dwarvish hat ever! |
But the number 13 once won me a giant Mars bar and I'm feeling lucky.
Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, have a fantastic night and a wonderful, happy, healthy 2013.
Happy New Year everyone!
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