Following on from my previous post aboutpoints of view, I’ve done a little more thinking and research into the
I was a little disappointed that only one
person responded to my poll, so whoever you are, thank you! You preferred
the 3rd person point of view.
There are three types of 3rd person;
- Omniscient – A narrative written as if the story is told from the powers-that-be or god’s point of view. Basically an all knowing, all seeing, wide narrative that can encompass anything and everything.
- Objective – This is similar to watching a film. The narrative describes the scene but not the character’s emotions, so all emotion must always be shown rather than told.
- Limited omniscient/Multiple point of view – This is the most popular and the only 3rd point of view that I have used. The narrative describes the scene but can also dip in and out of different characters’ heads. This means that the reader can be given information that the characters don’t know but also get to go inside the character’s heads and find out what they’re thinking and feeling.
In my previous post I mentioned that it
is commonly accepted on the internet that 1st person point of view
is very difficult to pull off but the one that most beginning novelists
choose. I don’t relate to this. All of my writing was in the
3rd person until I wrote Previously-Known-As-Silver. This is
my only piece of long work to be written in the 1st person.
Unfortunately it’s also the first novel that I’ve seriously
submitted to publishers and agents (my first novel was written in the 3rd
person and got me my first rejections but my heart wasn’t in the
While visiting a forum I regularly check
into, I was reminded once again of how subjective writing is. One person
was complaining about the use of the 3rd person point of view in the
A Song of Fire and Ice novels. This is not something I would have ever
expected. I read Game of Thrones with complete respect for the
structure. George R. R. Martin dedicates each chapter to one character's point of view, for example one chapter is told entirely from Aryas
point of view and the next from Tyrions. I found it fascinating yet here on
the forum there was someone complaining about it. A discussion then broke
out, from people defending the 3rd person and Martin’s choice
of how to use it to those simply discussing the validity of the structure and
pointing out all of the different and, sometimes, wonderful ways to use a point
of view.
Well there you go. There it is, in
a nutshell. Once again, a discussion on writing can only be concluded
with the fact that writing is subjective. Write what you know, write what
you love and write it for you.
Of course, that’s complete rubbish
if you want to get published but it’s an excellent starting point.
If you want to get published you must study the market. What authors do
you want to be compared to and what do they do?
Last night I opened up my latest novel
and did a print preview, just to get an overall image of the book as a
whole. It was only then that I realised I was head hopping. Naughty
So I have decided to take a leaf out of
Joe Abercrombie’s book, as I’m currently reading The Heroes.
I like how Abercrombie makes every chapter a scene from a different character’s
point of view. I don’t have as many characters as his novels but I
am hoping that using his method will give my characters an extra dimension by
allowing me and the reader to really focus on them for a chapter at a time, and
I imagine it will also change the plot slightly, as the characters take me in
new directions during the rewrite. It’s made me more excited about my
book, not only to feel I’m overcoming a hurdle but that it might
actually be as good as I want it to be.
Where does that leave
Previously-Known-As-Silver? I don’t know yet. I still feel
adamant that this is a story that should be written in the 1st person.
While a 3rd person point of view may give the plot a bit of added
depth, my original mission was to get into my protagonist’s head. I
would also like to go against the supposed theory that ‘1st person is for novices’
and be able to write an engaging novel in the 1st person.
Only time will tell which way I decide to
go with this one.
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