So Game of Thrones has ended for another series and overall it has been a great success.
Game of Thrones is fantasy on an epic scale. There are so
many individual characters and different families that it can be difficult to
keep track of them all. During the first
series GOT novices (like me) were just finding their feet and trying to learn
the family names. In series two I was
hoping for more development and action, now that I could spend less time
staring at characters wondering who the hell they were.
Series two was indeed full of action; battles and frays,
deaths and new loves. When considering
episodes as a whole I particularly enjoyed the penultimate episode. For once, the viewer stayed in Kings Landing
for the entirety watching the battle as Stannis Baratheon attacks Kings Landing
and the Lannisters. We saw King
Joffrey’s cowardice and Tyrion’s endless courage. Cersei showed perhaps a more honest side as she worried for
her sons,dismissing the safety of her fellow women and the Hound betrayed
his king (finally) and offered refuge to Sansa Stark. We were left with Tyrion lying wounded and in
shock on the battlefield, cut down by his father’s men as they rode to the
rescue. King Joffrey was no where to be
seen, Cersei was close to killing her youngest and, presumably, herself, and
Sansa was staring after the Hound on the edge of deciding whether to join him.
While this episode gave no closure to the other
characters outside of Kings Landing, it was a perfect ending for the Lannisters
and it is a shame that they appeared in the finale.

I was glad to see Ayra and Jaqen again in the finale. I have high hopes for her and it was
wonderful to have some closure from the man who helped her escape. I have always felt that Ayra will have a
large part to play in the future and I now feel that this man may become a part
of that.
While it was nice to see Brienne escorting Jaime Lannister to
Kings Landing and her fighting skills, again I did not see much point in this.
I don't see where this is going and it just feels like it's being drawn out, although this scene did remind the viewer and confirm where Brienne was taking Jaime, setting the scene for the third series.
Seeing Jon Snow reach the dwellings of the Wildlings king
was a necessity, although briskly done.
I’m afraid I’ve gotten a bit lost on Jon Snow’s story. Where exactly has his wolf Ghost gone? And why is it taking so long for this story
to move forward? The former question may
be answered when Jon Snow reaches the king and the latter question plagues the
entire series.
Meanwhile, in Winterfell, Theon Greyjoy has disappeared –
an excellent ending as it leaves a cliffhanger over his future, where is
he? And is he alive or dead? While little Bran escapes into
the wilderness, another piece of good closure as they begin the next stage of
their story.

My only other highlight of the episode was the very end
and the appearance of a seemingly intelligent army of White Walkers; basically
the zombies behind the wall. I want to
see more of these and hope that their presence means that they will feature
heavily in the next series, perhaps as another threat to the throne.

The worst part of this series? Robb Stark.
Is there any point to this character?
He’s supposed to be marching to Kings Landing, defeating Joffrey,
getting revenge for his father and rescuing his sisters and instead he goes for
walks in the woods, falls in love and gets married. Oh, and sends men running after Jaime
Lannister. Who cares? He obviously doesn’t. Ayra has more chance of rescuing Sansa than
Robb Stark does. He has yet to prove himself
as a King of the North and I have quickly lost all empathy and patience for
This seems to be the general feeling throughout Game of
Thrones. Every episode we see various
characters who do only a little. They
are never given enough screentime for anything deep and meaningful to happen
which means that each storyline is painfully dragged out. Give us more episodes like the penultimate
and give Robb Stark a good kick up the bum.
Game of Thrones returns in 2013.
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