As you may have noticed I have made a few changes to the blog. Over the weekend I joined Twitter (finally) and discovered Word Press, created a whole new blog and then decided this one was better. Weekend well spent, I'm sure you'll agree.
I also reviewed my list of 10 favourite sci-fi/fantasy books (see the list on the right). I have now finished World War Z and have removed it from my top 10. It started off very well, interesting and fast paced, but towards the end I became bored with the lack of civilian accounts. Unfortunately I had to force myself to read the last few pages.
So I have replaced it with Something Borrowed by Paul Magrs. This is the second book in a series about a middle aged woman named Brenda who runs a B&B in Whitby and is actually centuries old and is made up of various peoples body parts. Yes, she is the bride of Frankenstein. These books are very clever, well writter and funny. They are light hearted, supernatural stories that are very difficult to put down.
The second book is in the list rather than the others because I prefer this one to the first book and I haven't read the others yet. I'm currently reading Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding which may make the list once I've finished it. Despite dropping off my favourites list, I'm still looking forward to World War Z hitting our cinemas in 2013 (in the UK).
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